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Spring Gardening

Tuesday, March 16, 2021   /   by Hans Suhr

Spring Gardening

This time of year is a really great time to do some garden prep work. Get outside and clean up any debris from winter storms like branches, and pinecones. Before you can do any planting you’ll need to tidy and plan! Once you’ve cleared away any winter mess, you can see what you’re working with and start to plan! 

If you are using existing garden beds, then this is a great chance to scrape off any leaves, or moss that have grown in your beds.Trim up any grass growing over the edges and get a crisp and defined area for your beds. Get those gloves and start weeding anything that’s grown over the winter! This will help you see what you have growing and what space you have if you want to add more plants. If things are extra weedy, then you might want to consider adding some mulch! If your weeding vegetable beds, then you might want to consider amending the soil before planting anything new. 

Once you’re ready to plant, you’re going to want to follow the local zones for what to plant and when. You want to make sure that you don’t plant too early and risk one last frost ruining your hard work. 

To find out what to plant when, visit https://www.westcoastseeds.com/pages/regional-planting-charts for their comprehensive charts on planting. You can find both regional planting charts for both vegetables and herbs and flowers. 

Creating and working in a garden can be a great hobby as well as enhance your home. A well-developed landscape can be inviting to guests and potential buyers down the road. 

If you have questions about ways to enhance your home for potential sales, connect with me I’m happy to help and happy planting!